〜を採掘する/mine for
住みやすい環境/suitable environment for living in
activity has clearly made the Earth a more hospitable
place for human beings to live in, but this striving
for improvement has led to a kind of Catch 22 dilemma.
The more humans have learned to take from the Earth's
environment to suit their needs, the more mankind's
"needs" have changed and the more Earth's environment
needs to be pillaged in order to fulfill those needs.
For example, there was a stage in human history in
when man had no cure for any diseases, and did not
expect to live to middle age. Modern man however demands
health care and a cure to all diseases. Of course,
we live longer and more comfortably with the help of
modern science. Unfortunately the price for this is
the desecration of the very planet that sustains us.
As we plunder the Earth, the day approaches when everything
that has been gained by the exploitation of the planet
will be rendered irrelevant by the catastrophic consequences
of this policy. (166 words)