現代社会/modern society
深刻な問題/serious problem
I think the automobile is a great invention for transportation.
It has helped the average person to travel from town
to town in a short amount of time. This has helped
people to stay in touch with friends and relatives,
and has helped to make commuting to and from work
possible for people who live outside big cities.
In recent years, the automobile has become much more
affordable and convenient. Most average income families
can afford such a car. Even a basic model car has
many features such as power locks, air conditioning,
etc. The automobile is especially important during
hot, humid, or rainy weather. It makes traveling
anywhere much more convenient and it is a revolutionary
improvement to modern life in Japan. (123 words)
I think the automobile is a serious problem for society.
In countries that have automobiles, people get lazy and
do much less exercise than countries that do not have
automobiles. Once people have access to an automobile,
they no longer exercise as much as before. It is too
convenient for them to sit in their cars and drive everywhere.
The automobile also adds too much pollution to our environment.
It releases nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide into our
atmosphere. This causes acid rain and the green house
effect, which destroys our biosphere, trees and other
vegetation. It also causes climate changes and can one
day melt the polar ice caps. Basically, as more and more
people drive, it causes a lot of environmental problems
that mankind will have to find a solution for at a later
time. (137 words)