家族の人たち/family members
it is easy to argue that television is the cause of
the breakdown in communication in families and between
friends, I think that that fails to take into account
a large part of the whole picture of society today.
In this age of e-mail, the Internet and increasingly
sophisticated mobile phone technology, people have
never before in history been communicating with each
other so frequently and by so many different means.
To say that communication has died in a world where
millions of people sign up to new mobile phones every
day would be absurd. Furthermore, research has shown
that a family watching television rarely sits motionless
and in complete silence. Often watching the television
is itself a social act that encourages communication
between family members. TV programs can fuel discussion
in the work place, at school or after hours in social
contexts. The quality of that discussion is another
matter… (152 words)