same amount of money
誰にも全くお金がかからない/it costs no one anything
〜にお金を使う/spend on〜
is clear that universities should by no means give
the same amount of money to their students' sports
activities as they give to their university libraries.
While, for some people, sports are a very important
part of their lives, this is something that can be
pursued in their private lives, and at no cost to universities.
By that I mean, people always have the option of going
for a jog, or kicking a football around in a field,
which costs no one anything. Books, on the other hand,
are not available to students apart from through their
libraries. Without books, students can't study. Without
university-funded sports facilities, students can,
however, still exercise. The Bodleian Library in Oxford
University buys every single book published in the
UK. That represents a huge amount of money. If the
same money were spent on building sports facilities
in Oxford, there would soon be nowhere left to put
them.(156 words)