A city should try its best to preserve its old、historic
buildings because they represent the city‘s heritage.
The history behind the city and the people of the
city is very important. It tells a tale that is unique
to only the city. If the buildings are destroyed,
the heritage and history of the city is lost forever.
By studying ancient buildings, historians and anthropologists
are able to understand ancient civilizations. Understanding
how the ancient people lived and communicated can
teach us important lessons on how to improve our
society. We can also learn how to avoid making the
same mistakes they did to lead to their extinction.
(111 words)
A city should destroy its old, historic buildings in
order to make way for newer buildings. Most old buildings
are unsafe and may be hazardous to keep. Instead of wasting
tax payers` money to fix these old buildings, the city
should destroy these and build newer ones. The world
is constantly changing and to stay competitive with other
cities within Japan or around the world, old buildings
should be replaced with new ones. This will also help
to improve the city's image and attract visitors and
residents to visit or settle in a more modern city. (96